Shipstern Conservation & Management Area
The most spectacular protected area deep North of Belize is the Shiptern Conservation and Management Area in Corozal district; the reserve is located near the village of Sarteneja. Shipstern C&MA protects approximately 21.500 acres of a variety of habitats centered on Shipstern Lagoon, one of the larger inland lagoon systems in Belize. The conservation area […]
Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary
The Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary is a protected natural wetland area, situated just three miles off the Phillip Goldson Highway. It’s located halfway between Belize City and Orange Walk, roughly 30 miles away from either direction. The sanctuary is renowned for its ecological importance, diverse wildlife, and is a favorite destination for birders and eco-tourists […]
Mayflower Bocawina National Park
Mayflower Bocawina National Park is found in the southern district of Stann Creek, Belize. It is situated about 17 miles away from Dangriga and 12 miles from the Garifuna village of Hopkins. This stunning park was established as a national park in 2001, and it offers over 7000 acres of pristine tropical rainforest, waterfalls, and […]